Successful Events in Tillsonburg and Ingersoll
We have attended two Active Living Fairs in the past week. The first, hosted by the Ingersoll 50+ Centre on March 1st and the second hosted by the Tillsonburg Seniors Centre on March 5th. We also gave an introductory talk about the field of Pedorthics earlier in the week at the Ingersoll 50+ Centre. An enormous thank-you to all of the staff, volunteers, and wonderful members of the community who made these events possible.
As these were our first public events, we learned a lot about what makes an informative booth and what kinds of things folks are interested in as far as our business model and services. We are excited to connect further with our communities and allied health professionals at future events
Next up, we will be holding pedorthic clinic hours at the Tillsonburg Seniors Centre on March 14 from 9 AM – 1 PM. At this event certified pedorthist Evan Barks will be seeing folks in 45-minute blocks to assess their foot and leg pain. There is no charge for the assessments themselves, the only thing you would be charged for are any pedorthic services you choose to pursue. Priority will be given to folks who make an appointment, drop-ins will only be seen as time permits.
What happens in these assessments?
Evan will speak with people about what has been bothering them, take a bit of a medical history, take a closer look at their feet and legs which will involve some poking and prodding, moving things around to check the joints, and observing how they stand and walk. From there he will let them know what all of his findings are, what he believes an appropriate course of treatment would be, then they are free to decide how they would like to go from there. Bring a few pairs of shoes that you like to wear, Evan will be able to take a look at them as well.
Megan and Evan Barks having a great and informative time at the Tillsonburg Active Living Fair.
The details for our upcoming clinic in Tillsonburg. Please call us at 519-717-3464 if you would like to reserve a spot.