what are custom orthotics?

A foot orthotic is an insert that is placed inside the shoe to provide some sort of mechanical benefit. If you have ever noticed that some shoes have a pad or piece of foam inside of them that can be removed, it is similar to that. But rather than being a generic piece of foam or rubber custom orthotics are tailored specifically to each individual to meet their precise needs.

Barks Pedorthics custom orthotics are $525 per pair. Additional pairs of orthotics can be purchased for $425 per pair. Upon placing an order for custom orthotics a $200 down payment is taken; this is not an extra fee, it is applied to the total amount due when the finished orthotics are dispensed.

Who can benefit from custom orthotics?

Anyone who is experiencing pain or discomfort in their feet or lower limbs could benefit from custom orthotics. This is why a lower limb biomechanical assessment is fundamental to pedorthic care. Foot orthotics can help alleviate foot pain, prevent calluses or ulcers from worsening, improve knee and hip alignment, or even mitigate back pain. But each person has different needs and an orthotic must be designed with those specific needs in mind.

In general foot orthotics exist on a spectrum with rigid functional devices on one end and soft accommodative devices on the other.

A custom orthotic made of rigid plastic is sitting on a table. It has a heel post made of firm EVA that supports the heel area. It looks like it would support and stabilize a low arched or unstable foot.

Functional orthotics tend to be rigid or quite firm. The goal of these devices is to hold the anatomy of the foot in a more biomechanically advantageous position. Functional orthotics excel at altering the alignment of joints, such as supporting a collapsed arch or holding the ankle firmly in place to prevent it from rolling over.

An orthotic made out of several layers of laminated soft EVA foam sits on a table. It is quite plush a looks like it would provide shock absorption to a high arched or boney foot.

Accommodative orthotics are made of softer, more plush materials. They can provide cushioning or shock absorption if the foots natural padding is limited or compromised. They can also be helpful for reducing wear and tear on the feet caused by hard flooring and vibration, like the conditions on most factory floors.

Various other features can be added to a custom orthotic as well. Lifts can be added if one leg is slightly longer than the other. Wedges can help align the ankles, knees and hips at various stages of the gait cycle. Pads and areas of offloading can reduce pressure on corns or ulcers. Exactly what each orthotic needs is as individual as the people who wear them.

what makes them custom?

Custom orthotics are not made in a factory, each one is built specifically for you. To do this the pedorthist must accurately capture the shape of your foot anatomy. A pressure mat, tracing or a picture of your foot is insufficient for a truly custom made device. Only a three dimensional cast is appropriate for making sure that your orthotics will fit properly.

During a Barks Pedorthics mobile assessment Evan typically uses a foam box casting technique to get a precise impression of the shape of your foot. Casts can be taken this way in a matter of minutes with no bulky machinery or messy plaster getting into your home.